Olive Oil Update: A Natural Solution for Our Child’s Eczema

In our previous discussion on taming inflammation with omega-3, we explored the profound impact of dietary choices on skin health, particularly for individuals dealing with conditions like eczema. Today, we’re excited to share an update on our journey towards alleviating inflammation in our household, specifically through a simple yet transformative change: switching from seed oil to olive oil in our cooking practices.

After the decision was made to transition to olive oil, we embarked on a few weeks of experimentation and observation to gauge the effects on our family’s well-being. The results were nothing short of remarkable. Our daughter, Yunhan, who had been grappling with eczema and the discomfort of incessant scratching, began to experience a profound improvement. What was once a daily ritual of tending to irritated skin in the mornings has now become a thing of the past. The visible signs of her eczema have significantly diminished, if not disappeared entirely.

Close Up Of Seasoning Tray Of Vegetables For Roasting With Olive Oil Ready For Vegan Meal

Mixing olive oil and seed oil

The key to this transformation lies in the inherent properties of olive oil, particularly its rich content of omega-3 fatty acids. These essential nutrients play a crucial role in modulating inflammation within the body. By incorporating olive oil into our cooking routine, we’ve effectively introduced a potent anti-inflammatory agent into our diets, helping to counteract the inflammatory effects of omega-6 fatty acids commonly found in seed oils.

One of the most striking realizations from this experiment is the simplicity of the solution. Even in households where seed oil may still be present, incorporating just one dish cooked with olive oil can yield tangible benefits. The dynamic interplay between omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids underscores the importance of balance in our dietary choices.

By gradually phasing out seed oil in favor of olive oil, we’re not only enhancing the flavor and nutritional profile of our meals but also taking proactive steps towards supporting our family’s health and well-being.

olive oil with fresh olives and leaves

For those who may still have lingering supplies of seed oil in their kitchens, there’s no need to panic. Transitioning to olive oil can be a gradual process, allowing ample time to finish existing stocks while gradually integrating olive oil into your culinary repertoire. Whether it’s drizzling it over salads, using it as a marinade, or simply sautéing vegetables, the versatility of olive oil makes it a seamless addition to any kitchen.


In conclusion, our experience serves as a testament to the transformative power of mindful dietary choices, particularly when it comes to selecting cooking oils. By making a conscious shift from seed oil to olive oil, we’ve witnessed firsthand the profound impact it can have on inflammation and overall well-being. As we continue on this journey towards optimal health, we invite others to join us in embracing the simple yet potent changes that can make a world of difference in our lives.”

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