About Us

Who are we?

I’m a tech dad with two little ones. My daughter, Yunhan, who’s 3, has been dealing with eczema for about a year now. We’ve tried a lot of different things to help her—and we’re still finding what works best for her.

We started this blog because we wanted to share our journey with other parents who may go through the same thing. We want other parents to benefit from our trial-and-error so they don’t have to make the same mistakes we did.

We’ll keep you posted on our progress in researching and treating our child’s eczema. We will also share tips on managing the condition, as well as information about why it occurs—and what we can do to help alleviate signs of this uncomfortable skin disease.

The Journey

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Eczema is an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation of the skin. It can cause redness, itching and dryness. It can be very uncomfortable for a child, as well as painful and embarrassing for them when they go out in public. If not treated properly, it can cause serious infections.

One in five school-going children has atopic dermatitis, the most common form of eczema – a skin condition that often starts during infancy or early childhood.

source: At least 1 in 5 school-going kids here have eczema, cases could rise further: Doctors | Straits Times

Doctor diagnosed Yunhan with eczema when she was just a baby. At first, it was tough to manage her symptoms—the constant itchiness and sleepless nights were really hard on us as parents. But over time, we learned how to treat his skin so that Yunhan could live a normal life! Nowadays, she thrives under our care.

We understand that having a family member with eczema brings its own challenges. You might be worried about their health, how to manage the skin on their body and concerned about helping them through this journey—in ways that work for both of you.


We have heard from many families who have children with eczema and understand what they need most: a dedicated resource addressing nutrition, emotional support—and more.

We accomplish this through a combination of personal stories from parents who have been through it all and are now living happily with their children, practical tips for managing eczema in everyday life (from how to talk to your paediatrician about your child’s skin to what type of moisturiser you should use), and product reviews that give you the lowdown on the best products available on the market today.

We’re here to help, whether it’s helpful tips for managing your condition or sharing stories about how others have coped with their eczema.


We know what it’s like to be on your own in this journey, and we want to make it easier on you by providing you with the resources you need. It’s difficult to find the time and energy to do the research on your own, especially when you’re already struggling with a toddler who has eczema. And that’s why we’re here—to give you all the information you need in one place so that you can focus on what matters most: keeping your child happy and healthy.

We hope you enjoy the site and find it helpful.  If you have questions or suggestions, please get in touch!


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