Lucas Papaw Papaya Cream from China

Since Yunhan was 1.5 years old, we’ve been relying on Lucas Papaw papaya cream. Recently, we decided to purchase a new batch online, this time from a source in China. Our main concern was whether this product was authentic or counterfeit.

To our surprise, the price was significantly lower compared to what we typically pay at retail stores. In Singapore, we usually spend around SGD 23, which is approximately USD 16.5. However, the cost from the Chinese store, including delivery, was only SGD 7 (USD 5.14) – nearly one-third of the retail price!

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Upon inspection, the expiry date indicated that the product was good until 2027, and the printing on the bottle appeared authentic. Lucas Papaw packaging typically has a thicker print, providing a distinct 3D feel compared to other cosmetic packaging I’ve encountered.

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Upon opening the bottle, we noticed that the ointment had a yellowish hue. This immediately raised suspicions of its authenticity, as previous experience taught us that the genuine product tends to have a paler yellow color.

We’ll be putting this new batch to the test to see if there are any abnormalities, and we’ll provide updates here soon.

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