My Bad Experience with a Second Purchase of Wan Fu Shuang Cream

Recently, I decided to purchase Wan Fu Shuang Cream (万肤霜) from the online marketplace However, when the package arrived, I noticed that the design was different from the one we typically get in Malaysia. The package was printed with “江西海邦生物科技有限公司” and the ingredient content which led me to believe that it is the same medical formula, just manufactured in a different country.

My child’s skin condition, which usually improves with the Malaysian Wan Fu Chuang Cream, did not show any signs of improvement after using the new cream for five consecutive days, both in the morning and at night. We also tried using Aveeno lotion alongside the new cream, but the results were disappointing.

On the sixth day, we decided to switch back to the remaining quarter of our original Malaysian Wan Fu Shuang Cream tube. To our relief, within just three days, the skin redness and itchiness had visibly subsided.

While I cannot conclusively say whether the cream from was counterfeit or not, the experience taught me a valuable lesson about sticking to trusted brands and products that have consistently worked for my family’s needs. Even slight variations in formulations or manufacturing processes can potentially lead to different results, especially for those with sensitive skin conditions.

Moving forward, I have decided to exercise more caution when trying new brands or products, particularly those related to personal care and health. It’s always better to stick with what works reliably, rather than risking potential issues or setbacks.

Below I included the photo of both the products and you can click to enlarge it.

box front

The Chinese version had ‘江西海邦生物科技有限公司’ printed on the box and tube. The box colour was like a rose gold shade. On the other hand, the Malaysian version had a more yellowish gold colour.

box side 2

box side

Most of the ingredients are the same.


The tube colour of the Chinese version is a darker shade of yellow, and the graphic printing on it is somewhat blurry, while the Malaysian version has a much lighter yellow colour, and the logo is clearer.

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